Hi, I'm Marco

I'm a Web Developer in Leeds.
My latest projects

Drum Machine App

I had tons of fun creating this drum machine app with React! The main challenge for me was to make the buttons behave exactly how I wanted…

Markdown Editor

This was my first ever project with React. The main aim of this freeCodeCamp challenge was to start using the React state management. Seeing…

Accessibility in React Docs

As part of the freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design certification, the task was to create a responsive documentation page in simple HTML. As I…

A little bit more about myself

Building My New Website with Gatsby

I’ve wanted to give static site generators a try for a while now. Here’s why I chose Gatsby for the latest iteration of my website, and a…

How I Make My Best Coffee

I love coffee. Well, I like specialty coffee, if I’m honest, that I brew with my Aeropress, my way. I got my Aeropress, a few years ago…